Memories of Hanoi

As I reflect on my experience celebrating Chinese New Year in Guangzhou this past week, I've been contemplating the many times I've felt nervous and overwhelmed by crowded places and local customs only to find joy outside of my comfort zone. I carry my past experiences with me as I continue to delve into the... Continue Reading →

Mmmmm Spicy Snails!

It has been a lovely, lazy Sunday here in hot and humid Guangzhou. The stormy, sauna-like weather has led us to spend most of this weekend indoors, with occasional outings for brunch and entertainment. This weekend, we had our first Chinese movie-going experience and saw Wonder Woman at a small theater around the corner from us. We'd... Continue Reading →

Learning to enjoy the happy noise

Phew. I'm sure it will surprise none of you to read that despite still being unemployed, I've been pretty busy lately. Somehow I always find projects, and outings, and errands, and gatherings to fill my time, and I'm very lucky that there's such a big, friendly community here to involve me. Amaury and I've also been... Continue Reading →

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