Off the grid in Shenandoah

The cabin is technically just fifteen minutes from the main road, but cut off from cell reception and internet, feels a world apart. Signal entirely cuts out just a couple minutes along a winding, gravel track that requires A to engage the four-wheel drive and grip the steering wheel firmly as he navigates tight turns... Continue Reading →

Travel, transition, and taking stock

This weekend I was filled with a sudden urge to write. For months, whenever I contemplated writing, I felt a big, threatening blank space rise up in my brain. Initially it was because I was in the thick of a lot of international travel, sudden decisions, and a busy workload at work, leaving little time to write.  As... Continue Reading →

Said Pur in Sunshine

Islamabad's winter is cold and gray, the air heavy with soot from people burning wood, coal, and trash to stay warm. Though we enjoy that Pakistan has seasons, we lament the brown haze that hangs heavy over the horizon and masks the mountains in the distance. The nights are long and dark and fill my hair with the... Continue Reading →

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